Bentuangie Kratom is a new powerful red vein strain of Kratom originally grown in Indonesia jungle regions, and it is one of the newest additions to the Kratom family.

Bentuangie Kratom is known for being a mildly sedative but very relaxing strain. It is stated to be a very excellent strain for pain relief, but it has a slow effect.

It is also known as the superior Bentuangie or the “Tropical Blend.”

It is a new fantastic strain that is found deep in the jungles of Indonesia by the expert Kratom explorers who are always in the search of unique and new strains.

It is a red vein Kratom and has similar characteristics. It also comes with pain relieving properties and also gives a wonderful sense of well-being.

Many of the users have reported it as a real strain because of the high 7-hydroxymitragynine content.

Bentuangie Kratom strain is famous for its calming and relaxing characteristics. It helps in keeping the nerves calm and offering a peaceful sleep.

Bentuangie is more versatile and has many qualities like red vein, but it still differs from it. You can say it has its unique properties.

Bentuangie is more adaptable than numerous red veins, giving a decent glow of relaxation as opposed to an overwhelming power, however, if an overwhelming power is required this can be accomplished with more material naturally.

Benefits of Bentuangie Kratom

Bentuangie Kratom has increasingly gained popularity amongst its users. This Kratom is stronger than red vein strains and has a calming and soothing effect.

Being a new strain it has massively shown likeness amongst the users and has become popular soon, here are some of its benefits.


This is quite a relaxing strain and many users stated that it is good for winding down and calmness.

But one thing the users have mentioned that just like any red vein, this Kratom mustn’t be taken to a great dose as it will not work in the same way.

Mood Stimulant

Although many strains have mood stimulating properties, Bentuangie Kratom is said to be quite useful in elevating the mood.

It may help temporarily in reducing the effects of depression and increasing the feeling towards pleasure activities.

It shouldn’t be utilized as a medication for depression and is not a long-term solution.

Sleep Aid

The Bentuangie Strain is excellent for aiding sleep.

Since it doesn’t have stimulating properties and also works as a stimulant, this type of Kratom works well for sleep.

Next, to Red Vein Bali, Bentuangie is one of the best strains for improving sleep.

Pain Reliever

Bentuangie is a great strain for the pain relief. Users have stated it as a more potent strain for reducing pain as compared to other strains.

Therefore this Kratom is known for being an excellent natural alternative for over-the-counter pain drugs.

Length of Effects

Another great benefit of Bentuangie Kratom is that has longer effects when you compare it with any other strain.

It has an excellent and exceptional characteristic especially for those who are looking to use it for a sleep aid or pain relief.

Bentuangie Kratom Dosage and Combinations

Bentuangie Kratom works well when mixed it up with banana + orange juice.

Add the 3 -5 grams of Bentuangie Kratom in a juice bottle and then shake it. After shaking, it turned to be in a brownish and greenish color and taste quite good.

6-7 grams dose of Bentuangie produces strong sedative effects, and it is recommended to take small quantity at the start and then gradually increase it according to your desire.

At a much higher dosage of 10-12 grams, it acts as a light cocaine and gives you uncomfortable feeling or a bad hangover.

For a greater pain killing effect, it is recommended to mix 3 grams of Bentuangie with 2 grams of Maeng Da.

Mixing Bentuangie with Maeng Da gives you an instant pain relief and works wonders over a period.



  1. “The Bentuangie Strain is excellent for aiding sleep.
    Since it doesn’t have stimulating properties and also works as a stimulant, this type of Kratom works well for sleep.
    Next, to Red Vein Bali, Bentuangie is one of the best strains for improving sleep.”

    This doesn’t make sense: ” it doesn’t have stimulating properties and also works as a stimulant”

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