Kratom is a product of the totally organic and natural plant grown in parts of Asia and principally in Thailand.

The kratom provides stress releasing energy through your whole body and strengthens every the most inundated body. It is judicial, reliable, and an effective weapon in the battle on everything from chemotherapy side effects to chronic arthritis pain.

This is a great Asian cure has been used for hundreds of years as a medicinal remedy for a family of diseases. I had ordered my Kratom from VitaKratom. They are genuine sellers and provide the best strains.

My Experience

I have used kratom from VitaKratom and would like to share my entire personal experience. I often encountered terrible knee ache almost every single night. If I sat at my laptop working for too long, then the knee regions started to pain a lot.

Overall there was a sensation of mild pain and fatigue throughout the body and especially my knees and feet used to hurt very badly. As a moderately heavy woman, I have troubles with weights. It keeps fluctuating, and I got myself medically examined, therefore. This test led me to the discovery that I have a high uric acid level.

All this chronic pain indeed made me feel very dull and unenergetic. I was gradually noticing a heavy sense of lethargy throughout my body and the acute denial to start for a new day.

There was constant anxiety going in my mind with this lingering pain that I went through as a routine. I was feeling not only sad but gradually I was shifting to a phase of depression. The mind and body work on a psychosomatic level. When the body is so much in pain how can the mind be at peace?

Also, my physician prescribed the pain killer in case the pain was too much too bear. I always thought that getting dependent on painkillers would have its trail of side effects and which was true.

I was continually reading about chronic pain relief substitutes which had a natural origin rather than a chemical one.

Day and night, I used to research on a remedy that could be embraced like a blessing and trust me I prayed hard. The prayers truly paid off. I came across the magical product from the VitaKratom.

Which Strain Did I Choose?

The Red Thai Kratom from VitaKratom is one of the popular versions of the Kratom plant. Compared to green and white strains, using this supplement may increase the results of the herb upon the user.

The alkaloid levels (mitragynine) are high in the strain which brings relief from the pain. Other red, green kratom varieties are also available on the site.

How I Used the Kratom Powder Purchased from VitaKratom?

You can use the powder over your day time cereal, or in milkshakes and it won’t taste bizarre at all. The powder can also be added in a tea, as is the use for other types of kratom, but the benefit of having it in a powder means you can actually mix the kratom into anything you would like.

Kratom is also supplied in capsules, which can be taken once a week with your regular vitamins. You can order them in the powdered form, or you can buy the pills separately and pour the powder from it and make your kratom powder pack which a bit time is consuming though.

However, if you favor capsules, it is good to buy them filled inside the plastic edible capsule tubes, else the dosage might get faltered.

I had my afternoon green tea with a mix of half a spoon of red + green Vita Thai kratom and to enhance the taste of the tea I added a bit of lime juice which surely was tasty.

So, if you wish you can try out the kratom by adding flavors to it. You can also add a spoonful of this powder in a fruit smoothie to enjoy ultimate bliss.

This is How I Felt

Traditionally, the kratom leaves are freshly picked and chewed for the effects it gives. However, the leaves you will get are dried to increase the shelf life. These leaves are bitter.

Some people crush and make tea from the leaves, but the sourness of the flavor does not go well with a beverage like tea.

Kratom powder is thus a great choice to the dried leaves that not only has a various method of using but can also be made more intense. The effect of the green kratom powder that I used was just magical. After consumption from the very first day, it was effective.

Also, there was a very subtle, an extremely mild sense of euphoria that helped me out from the long suffer stress and anxiety that I was going through.

The Green Thai kratom gradually reduced that lingering pain sensation in my knees as well as throughout the entire body the fatigue which was a constant companion for days slowly.

Review of The Website

The site VitaKratom is genuine and extremely user-friendly selling the best quality Kratom. From my personal experience, I am saying that this site is great.

The facility that you get is really commendable. I ordered, and I will always recommend something with which I honestly had a trustworthy encounter.

The Process of Ordering

The website on its head bar has the field of ‘MY ACCOUNTS’ in which you are supped to add all the details of your residency and place the order by clicking the order tab. There is also a 20% affiliate sale when you contact them directly via the contact us tab.

Various types of Kratom are available in this site.

There are different kinds of Thai kratom powder in this site. These are in red, green, white and yellow kratom strain.

These are as follows:

The website also lists down some of the best sellers among the powders that users frequently buy. These are as follows:

  • Green Maeng da powder
  • Green Malay powder
  • Red horned powder
  • Red Sumatra powder
  • Red Thai powder
  • Red Kapuas powder
  • Red vein Borneo powder

The strains under each product category are displayed on the website. These kratom powders are all 100% organic that provide a list of health benefits.

Discounts & Samples Provided by VitaKratom

Giving samples and discounts are a great way of providing people with the opportunity to use the product and feel the difference at subsidies.

People buy kratom because they benefitted from it. With trying out new strains and free samples, people are more likely to understand what suits them better and experiment more. If they like it, they will buy or else not.

Giving discount allows the approach to be prioritized on quality first. As said above in the section of offers, discounts can be obtained by choosing exclusive offers at the time of shopping.

Free Kratom Samples are also provided along with your ordered product to try out a different strain.

Offers and Different Facilities

  • As a part of their loyalty program, they have a scheme where the more you buy you save your money. Hence on the bulk product, there is a good amount of discount that can be well availed.
  • Shipping is done on the very day the order is placed. This is a unique service that they are giving. You have to make the purchase before 1 pm at this Easter time and you can get your product the same day.
  • There are no additional charges imposed on shipping hence the shipping is absolutely free on all of the products.
  • Each and every product of the site is laboratory tested and labelled as safe for consumption.
  • For coupons that can be discounted, you can also subscribe to them.
  • They also have a blog that is extremely helpful for people to understand the objective and benefit that kratom has, what it is all about and such other things.

Final Thoughts

It is significant to note that the effects of kratom products vary from one individual to another individual. Due to this reason, majority websites that wholesale kratom often offer a varied selection.

Several strains can affect many aspects of treatment. Finding a specific strain for your cause is essential.

However, you will find your life developing on a qualitative note and your anxiety levels declining quickly with the supervision of the right kratom products.

Make sure you know the quality, before buying kratom powder. Many a time’s powders can be much more potent than the leaf. If you do not pay attention, you might not get what you were expecting.

However, in most cases, the joined potency is an outstanding benefit. Particularly if you are looking for an effective solution for your pain management, kratom is the best.

Large quantities of kratom can be concentrated into the powder, and an assorted range of strains can be administered in the same fashion. You can get Kratom online since many e-vendors are selling, but not all are authentic.

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