Variety is the spice of life. Be it our food or our friends, as much as we would love to, we cannot always stick to the same for all of our life. Our body and mind naturally crave for a change and this change can be given to them through going for variety and experiencing something different.

Even if you are particularly fond of any one thing, there can always be different types of the same thing that you can try and learn from your experience. Maybe this will land you something better to which you were completely oblivious until now or it will make you appreciate the earlier type even more.

So whatever it is that you use, it is always good if you explore different types it is available in and learn more about the same.

Mitragyna speciosa is an evergreen deciduous tree that belongs to the coffee family. Kratom has many health benefits and also works as a psychoactive substance.

It is native to Indochina region and is grown naturally in Thailand. The tree is also called as Kratom or ketum or kratom.

Apart from having health benefits, Kratom also has many negative effects that one can suffer from if its consumption goes wrong. Kratom can be an evergreen tree or deciduous tree depending upon the climatic conditions and the environment of the place.

The tree has been categorized into various types depending upon a different basis of classifications.

Types of Kratom Tree

Strictly speaking, Kratom trees are of three different types. They are the White Vein, Red Vein and Green Vein kratom. Several people often have a misconception that Green Vein and White Vein are the same. But in reality, they are both quite different on many levels.

The basic difference between White Vein and Green Vein Kratom comes from their leaves. If you examine the leaves of both these types of Kratom you will be able to clearly see that the White vein type has white or beige colour leaves whereas the Green Vein type, as expected, has green colour leaves.

The various names of Kratom can be too confusing for anyone. As in some cases, different names are used even for the same type of Kratom which can create a whole lot of confusions. Sometimes these new names are introduced for marketing and sales purposes as they add spice and attract customers’ attention.

Several vendors are thus exploiting the different names of Kratom trees and modifying them to make some new names that are highly interesting.

As Kratom tree is native to Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand its actual name has to have roots in these countries itself and it is quite so.

Some of its common types and names are Borneo, Bali, Riau, Sumatra Kratom etc.

Classification of Kratom Plant

Kratom trees are also classified depending upon the region where the strains of Kratom are grown. Some of the examples are Thai (as grown in Thailand), Indo (as grown in Indonesia), Malay (as grown in Malaysia), Man Da (an enhanced version of the Thai type Kratom), Borneo (Indo grown in Indonesia).

Also, the tree can have its own hybrid too. For instance, Bali is that Kratom that is a combination of the Borneo and Sumatra. It was named so as this combination was first created in Bali and hence the name.

If you get into the market looking for information and products of Kratom tree then you might come across different names that can be confusing.

Remember that all types of Kratom trees are basically either of the Thai type or Indo type or Malay type and if not of these three types then it definitely must be a combination of these types.
