Botanical Pros

Botanical Pros

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Ph: +1-314-656-8440

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Another vendor relatively new to the Kratom world is Botanical Pros. Aside from having an appealing and easy to function website, this vendor has a range of products, providing customers with many options. But more important questions need to be considered, such as; whether the products supplied are tested or not?

What is the overall quality of the brand? Are the prices charged by Botanical Pros high or low compared to other Kratom vendors? Below, we will answer these and many more questions.

Key Features Of Botanical Pros

1) Different Forms Of Kratom Offered By Botanical Pros

There are many forms of Kratom available, like capsules, extracts, and powder. This aspect is an appealing feature as it allows customers to enjoy Kratom in various forms.

Additionally, if there is someone who does not prefer one form, such as powder, due to its taste and aroma; then they can opt for capsules.

Customers also have many choices when it comes to strains of Kratom. Botanical Pros offers the following strains and many more; Green Vein, Premium Indo, Premium Maeng Da, Red Vein, OPMS, and White Vein.

In terms of quantity, there are many choices for customers. Hence, if someone is just a beginner in their use of Kratom, they can opt for the smallest quantity option, instead of buying it in bulk. When it comes to capsules, the range of counts available is between 1 – 500.

For powder, customers can choose from these quantities; 250, 500 grams and 1, 2, 3, 8 ounces and 1 kg. Lastly, for extracts, customers can select from the following quantities; 8, 12, 15 ml and 1 ounce.

2) Are The Products Lab Tested?

The site has not mentioned anything with regards to lab tests or manufacturing methods. This factor is most unfortunate for many reasons.

It deters customers from essentially buying from Botanical Pros. It also sets a very suspicious impression overall.

There is also the concern highlighted by the FDA that Kratom may be contaminated, with Salmonella or heavy metal poisoning, etc.

3) Packaging Quality Of The Products

The packaging of the products is quite simple, which also makes it appealing at the same time. For all forms of Kratom, plastic is mainly used. This feature allows the product to be easily shipped and carried around.

4) Quality Of The Product Overall

The reviews on the site indicate that generally, products are of high-quality. The customers’ testimonial link on the website highlights precisely that.

The dedication shown also adds on to the fact that the brand is top-notch. However, this can be doubted. There are only a few reviews in the first place.

And there is also the fact that there are no lab results. Aside from reviews on the site, there are hardly any reviews that would highlight an objective view of the brand.

5) Shipping

When it comes to transportation, customers are given five options. There is the option of USPS Priority Mail Shipping, that takes 1 – 3 days and costs around 9 USD. There is also the option of USPS Priority Mail Express Shipping.

This one costs around 25 USD and takes 1 -2 days to deliver the product. FedEx Flat Shipping is also an option. It costs 11 USD; however, for orders above 200 USD, shipping is free.

Another option is Fed Ex Priority Overnight, which will deliver the product by 10:30 AM (the next day) for 60 USD. Lastly, the most expensive option is the Fed Ex First Overnight Option. This option will allow the product to be shipped by 8 AM (the next day), and it costs 105 USD.

There are also many options for payments, such as; Zelle, PayPal, E-Check, Mail, Facebook Messenger and most importantly, credit card.

6) Alternatives Of Kratom Offered By Botanical Pros

The alternative of Kratom mainly offered is CBD and Hemp. There are many forms provided, such as; oil, flower, gel, honey, lotion and smoke sticks. The smoke sticks have 12 sticks per pack and cost around 13 USD.

The quantity for Hemp Oil is 15 ml, and this costs 18 USD. Honey form comes in 2 strengths, both having the quantities of 12 ounces. The prices range between 50 USD – 70 USD.

The hemp flower has the quantity of 3.5 or 7 grams, and its price is 20 USD – 40 USD. The gel form comes only in the size of 3 ounces and costs 35 USD. The lotion costs around 46 USD, and its size is 2 ounces.

The Most Popular Strains Of Botanical Pros

A popular product of Botanical Pros is the Pure Extract Kratom 50X. This product, in general, helps with anxiety and depression. It not only helps in user achieving a euphoric feeling, but also helps with insomnia.

Another well-reputed product is Maeng Da Kratom. This product helps in many aspects, like headaches, insomnia, depression, and anxiety. It also helps in improving the cognitive abilities of the user and boosts awareness.

Pricing Of Products Charged By Botanical Pros

The pricing of the products will be mentioned according to the form of Kratom. The prices for capsules range between 11 USD – 160 USD. For the powder form, the prices are between 14 USD – 150 USD. And lastly, the extracts cost between 20 USD – 60 USD.

The prices are generally attractive, and also discounts are more than frequently available on almost all products. Furthermore, if you buy in bulk, you can get a further discount.

Customers also get a discount of 5% upon subscribing to the mailing list. There is also the opportunity of receiving a 10% discount, upon subscribing to the newsletter.

So for those who still find the prices somewhat high, can avail these deals and be satisfied overall.

Let’s judge the prices by comparing them with competitors’ prices. Botanical Pros is selling Kratom capsules in the strain of Maeng Da Kratom for 11 USD. And the relevant quantity is 45 counts.

PurKratom is selling the same product with the quantity of 50 counts for 20 USD. Keeping the small difference of quantity in mind, one can safely conclude that Botanical Pros is significantly cheaper compared to other competitors.

How Active Is Botanical Pros On Social Media Platforms?

Botanical Pros is reasonably active on social media platforms. They are available on sites like Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.

Not only do they have accounts on these platforms, but they are also consistently active on them. The same cannot be said for every vendor. They also have features like a mailing list and newsletter.

This feature is very good, as Botanical Pros can use this opportunity to remain in touch with their customers. And they can also use it to have the edge over their competitors.

Negative Aspects Of Botanical Pros

Botanical Pros has conducted no lab tests for their products. It has also not disclosed its farming or manufacturing methods, further putting into doubt their status as a credible vendor. There is no way for Botanical Pros to highlight for sure that their products are of good quality and are safe.

It makes a good impression on the customers if the vendors make some background knowledge available.

This knowledge may include any details about the business or its owners. It may consist of how the owner was inspired to start a business in the Kratom world. No such information has been made available by Botanical Pros.

Hence, customers won’t know anything about the company. And as a result, some might be deterred from buying.

It is usually the case that Kratom vendors add a description in every products’ page. This description may include anything. It may be about the origins of Kratom, how it is farmed and manufactured, and how it may benefit the customer.

Botanical Pros did not bother to add any such information. So those who are beginners might be lost as to what to do. They might be lost as to which product to buy, and how much should the dosage be.

However, not including such details is not necessarily a shortcoming. The reason is that diligent customers can get all the relevant information anyway from doing a simple google search.

Moreover, this way, Botanical Pros cannot be accused of making false medical claims with regards to their products.

Not only is Botanical Pros relatively new to the market, but there are also no reviews by any third-parties. The only reviews that may give customers an idea about the vendor are on the site. It may be the case that they may be false.

And even if they are not false, there are very few reviews, not setting the desirable impression. This aspect makes customer wary in general, especially because a very sensitive product is being dealt with.

On their homepage, they have attached a link to the site called, Kratom Coalition. This site contains a lot of knowledge about Kratom, in general.

This feature reflects positively on Botanical Pros. However, they can also be accused of making false medical claims. That is because the site contains the benefits of Kratom and other relevant information.

However, one can say that the data is not specific enough to hold them liable for such the said claim.

Usually vendors warn their customers that the FDA has not evaluated their online site. No such disclaimers have been attached anywhere by Botanical Pros. So a beginner, who might have stumbled across Botanical Pros, may buy Kratom under the false belief that it is safe to do so.

The different name on social media accounts may lead one to be confused as to what the name of the vendor is. The website is referred to as Botanical Pros. But on their social media platforms, the official name is Shaman Supplies, LLC.

Our Verdict

Indeed, there are many factors in favour of Botanical Pros. These may be the low prices and the range of strains and forms available. And it also may be true that the positives may outweigh the negative.

But the negatives are such that they cannot be ignored or compromised in any manner. Hence, one is going to have to be careful when buying from Botanical Pros.



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