bali Kratom

Bali Kratom Dosage And How To Take It?

Kratom, also known as Mitragynaspeciosa comes in many different strains. The medicinal plant is famous for its therapeutic effects and is used extensively for...
Elephant Kratom Leaf

Elephant Kratom: What Is Up With This Mysterious Plant Strain?

Coping up to manage pain and anxiety is hard work. If you are an avid Kratom user and have tried a fair...
White Bali Kratom

White Bali Kratom – Review, Dosage, Benefits, and Effects

White Bali Kratom, as the name indicates comes from Bali Island, Indonesia. All Kratom users who want relaxation, stimulation and mood uplift with energy,...
white vein indo kratom

White Indo Kratom – Origin, Effects, Dosage, and User Reviews

A person in the business of Kratom or is an expert will know that Indonesia is the so far the biggest exporter of Kratom...
kratom social anxiety

Best Kratom Strain For Social Anxiety

Kratom And Social Anxiety Here are the different Kratom strains that can be used to reduce social anxiety and its associated problems. 1) Red Vein Indo:...
strongest green vein kratom

Which Is The Most Strongest Green Vein Kratom?

The use of Kratom is growing popular with every passing day. Hence, it is becoming difficult to decide which strain is the strongest one...
Yellow Maeng da kratom

Yellow Maeng da Kratom Review: Origin, Benefits and Side Effects

One of the strongest strains of Kratom is Maeng Da. It comes in various strains depending on the color of the central vein of...
Green Vein Thai Kratom

Green Vein Thai Kratom – Reviews, Effects, and Dosage

Who doesn’t want a power pack to get through the day? For most of the people, it’s the caffeine that works. Tea and coffee...
Kratom Alkaloids

Which Are The Most Strongest Kratom Alkaloids?

Kratom has a number of alkaloids that impart various properties and effects. The alkaloids are the active ingredients in Kratom. They act on the Opiate...
white vein and green vein Kratom

White Vein Vs Green Vein Kratom: Differences And Similarities

There are some different Kratom strains all with varying effects. When buying Kratom, many people who are new to this industry feel unsure as...