Gold veins and strains. The internet is bustling with forums and websites dedicated to them. What most kratom consumers fail to recognize is that gold kratom is created.

Truth be told, there is no real thing as gold or yellow vein in kratom leaves.

Just in case you didn’t know, white, red, and green are the vein colors of kratom leaves. The mysterious gold leaf kratom is created by man and not grown by nature.

I use the word mysterious because the process for creating gold and yellow kratom is shrouded in mystery

Because the process is heavily drenched in tradition and ancient ritualistic secrets, we cannot say for sure (here in North America at least), it is hard to find a precise and exact method to create yellow kratom.

The method of creating this specialized strain (I use the term loosely) is called Kuning. Different ancient societies had various practices and rituals to make yellow/gold kratom.

The science behind the process of creating this coveted kratom is fermentation. The fermentation process is nothing new in the horticultural and agricultural world.

If you come across a product that “yellow vein,” please be wary. Mother Nature did not make a yellow veined kratom.

(Technically, you shouldn’t have any vein left in the final kratom product you are consuming.)

People lie. That’s a simple truth. If you do not have a reputable and reliable vendor of Gold Maeng Da or Gold Bali, opt for a red vein strain.

Honestly, there are so many people out to make a buck that your health and well-being could be at risk. I’ve uncovered why below.

The Muddled Mystery of Kuning Kratom

Yellow Maeng Da is called Kuning. This strain of kratom is created and not grown. Kuning is created when the alkaloids in the kratom leaves change during the fermentation process (which I discuss below).

While ancient traditional methods of creating Kuning are quite coveted, I have figured out the just of what goes on in the kratom industry today.

Some manufacturers are using traditional methods to make yellow/gold kratom, while other not-so-trustworthy folks that are quick to make a buck are (to put it bluntly) ripping you off.

Bentuangie Gold Kratom

Bentuangie kratom (gold kratom) utilizes the same fermentation process, but the kratom started with red veins (instead of white or green) and turned yellow.

Using a red vein kratom strain and fermenting it is the true essence of Gold kratom – Maeng Da and Bali.

Kratom vendors sell different products just like any product you need to be aware of what you are consuming.

Some vendors respect you and provide you with authentic gold kratom, while others will merely mix strains together and call it Bentuangie.

Be aware! Some kratom companies mix red and green Maeng Da and claim it is Bentuangie.

They do not use the fermentation process, and they do not care about supplying you with a quality product.

Fermentation Process of Creating Kratom

The natural process of fermentation occurs when water, air, and plant matter are combined to enhance the color, flavor, and aroma of a plant.

Various forms of fermentation are used to make some of our favorite foods like yoghurt, alcohol, sauerkraut, and kimchi.

Regarding gold kratom, farmers will stack piles of leaves and ferment them to obtain the sought-after color. Because of the sun, farmers who do this process outdoors diminish beneficial alkaloids in kratom.

Don’t get me wrong; sunshine is an important step in the final “kratom-curing” process of yellowing the leaves.

Starting inside in a room that is ventilated, has the correct temperature, and is dark, the entire process should take about ten days.

The stacking process allows the leaves to create natural heat that makes the kratom ripen. Every once and a while the leaves will be adjusted by shaking them, (possibly) adding more moisture, and rotating the outside to the inside of the pile as well as the top leaf on the bottom to ferment the leaves evenly.

How Some Kratom Cultivators Make Gold Kratom

There are some farmers out there that consider themselves professional kratom growers. These people can be found on various forums and social media channels.

From what I have gathered, there is a secret method some cultivators use to create yellow kratom. This is what I’ve found out:

Instead of simply utilizing the natural fermentation process to harness yellow kratom, these growers soak the kratom leaves in a special liquid. While the exact recipe is a secret, they make a tea with Tongkat Ali and cat’s claw.

Tongkat Ali (TA) is commonly known as Malaysian Ginseng. It is used traditionally to enhance energy & libido, decrease weight, decrease the effects of ageing on the skin.

Cat’s claw has therapeutic properties used in traditional Inca medicines. The ancient civilization used cat’s claw for curing viral infections, reducing inflammation, and boosting the immune system.

By soaking the tea in the kratom leaves and then proceeding to the stacking process, they do indeed create gold kratom.

But, if the fermentation process will do it on its own, why do these cultivators soak the kratom leaves in these ancient tea concoctions?

Why add these extra ingredients? More importantly, why not tell us the process?

Unfortunately, most of us have ZERO idea what is in our product let alone how it was manufactured or produced.

In order to stay safe, source your kratom from a reputable supplier that has a batch and lot number on their product.

These numbers provide you (the consumer) with valuable information as to when the kratom was made, and how long it has been stored.

Gold Bali Kratom

Let me just say this: it’s easier to find a high-quality red Bali kratom than it is to find a gold Bali kratom. Another term for gold Bali is Borneo yellow vein.

But you know there is NO SUCH THING is a yellow vein because you read this article, right? Oh, you didn’t read it? That’s too bad for you, you could have learned something.

Gold Bali is known for its analgesic and sedative properties. It produces uplifting and mind-calming effects just like red Bali strains.

Not surprisingly the effects of gold Bali are pretty much the same as red Bali. Hmm, I wonder why? Oh yeah, it’s because gold Bali is red Bali, only fermented.

It is pretty easy to be duped into buying a product you think is legit, so don’t feel bad if you have been screwed over.

As I said, the vendor you use will play a role in the quality of kratom you receive. So pay attention!

Gold Maeng Da

Otherwise known as Gold Horn, Gold Maeng Da is grown as a red leaf, and through the curing & fermentation process, turns to gold.

Most natural Maeng Da strains are known for the intense and potent effects. Gold Maeng Da is a very exciting strain because it offers bi-phasic effects.

This means it can work as both a stimulant or as a relaxant. Most users report a decrease in pain when they use gold Maeng Da.

Some users describe the effects of being energetic, while other users describe a sense of balance and relaxation when they use Gold Maeng Da.

Because there is very little research on the effects of Gold Meng Da (or any type of kratom for that matter), it is hard to tell just how long the effects will last.

The biggest piece of information I uncovered while researching people who have experience using gold Maeng Da is that it can produce a balanced blend of pain relief, relaxation, and mild euphoria.

So, What’s the Scoop?

Basically, Yellow or gold kratom and Bentuangies are the same things when it comes down to it.

Whites and greens technically become a yellow kratom after the fermentation process while red veined kratom turns into (again, use the term loosely) Bentuangie.

Each vendor’s product will be different. This is why third-party lab testing, scientific research, and adequate batch labeling are essential to the success of kratom as a health supplement.

Truth be told, most vendors don’t even know (or care to know) the difference.

A lot of the information you read about kratom is educated guesses by people (myself and this article included).

I read a case study and made an educated guess, and someone will read this who will then also make an educated guess and write an article. So on and so forth.

Misinformation spreads like wildfire. That is why I wrote this article – debunk the b.s

Do you have experience using yellows or gold kratom strains? Better yet, do you cultivate your kratom? If so, what’s the secret?

I love hearing about your kratom journey, and I know other readers enjoy reading comments from actual people who use kratom.

Always do your research folks! And remember, stay lifted!



  1. So just what are you trying to say? Gold MD is just an imagination, not sure where you’re going with this. We all know there is not a gold leaf vein of kratom, but i do enjoy the so-called golds. I prefer gold and greens over the straight-up red Bali – it upsets my stomach. But I must admit all the so-called strains, I have tried, and all created the same effect ( haven’t tried the whites, don’t drink coffee) but the greens seem to last longer and don’t bother my stomach. I believe a lot of it being able to be in a relaxed atmosphere and enjoy, tho some of is probably a mind over matter thing. I guess I’m trying to say, to each his own. Do we have to break everything down to I like this and don’t like that and here’s why? If you don’t like gold, then never use that, don’t try to change my opinion man, let it go, Rob

  2. I tried the Bali Gold as it was labeled, but honestly, prefer (much) the Red Bali. From the store I shop, the White Borneo and Red Bali are by far my favorites. The greens and gold didn’t do anything. Just my experience, others will differ.

  3. There are no different colored veins; it’s the maturity of the plant and different drying processes for each color that makes the red green and white. I feel that if you don’t know these basic facts, your information on yellow/gold my not be accurate. No offense just thought you should know.

  4. From my experience, golds are usually made from ageing the green vein as they feel like more of a “day time“ kratom. It also feels different as if the alkaloids have changed. The yellow vein also feels like a “day time” kratom, however, because yellow does not always bring me out of “sickness“, I assume it is just made by mixing white and red. The mixture usually takes on the effect of the white vein. I have before felt a “night time” effect from using a Bali gold product . This was obviously created from red vein instead of green. It is rare to find. But if you do get the opportunity to try a Bali gold made from red I promise it will become your favorite.

  5. I use Gold, Red, and Green Maeng Da Kratum. I have found the Gold to be more potent. For me, Green is good for energy. Red for night-time. But, I believe I like Gold best. On a side note…I was at a Lady Friend’s house today. We are both in our 60’s and met each other in the early 1970’s. Her 30 yr old son lives with her. I could not believe how much kratum he was taking. I use to think maybe I was using too much. But the amount I take pales in comparison to him! But, he is a very cool young man, and we got along just fine.

    • How much are we talking about that he uses? I use about 4 grams by capsule every couple hours or so untill I begin to feel the desired effects. At this point I reduce to 2 grams every hour or so to sustain said desired effects.

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