Who doesn’t want a power pack to get through the day? For most of the people, it’s the caffeine that works. Tea and coffee are the two most favorite choices to start the day. Others may like to consider energy drinks.

Some people prefer doing exercise to boost their energy levels, while others rely solely on pain pills/relaxants to keep going. There’s an herbal remedy that works equally good, and that is green vein Thai Kratom. Let’s explore its effects, standard dosage and what do users say about it.

What makes Green Vein Thai special?

Green vein Thai, as the name represents is a Kratom strain, which is initially from Thailand. It has bright green veins in its leaves. One may wonder that all leaves have green threads so why does this strain specify its vein color.

The reason is that Thai Kratom is also available in a red vein and white vein leaves. Green vein leaves are somewhat in-between these two strains. That’s why it is necessary to mention that we are focusing on Thailand’s green vein Kratom leaves.

All green Kratom leaves have similar benefits and effects. The effects of Thai green leaves are very close to the traditional green Maeng Da strain. The best results of green Thai strain include pain relief, energy boost, and mood enhancement.

Growing popularity of Green Vein Thai

Out of all strains, the green Thai seems to be best for those who want extra an extra boost. It is favorite for added energy that is sometimes required for a hectic day ahead. Some users find it mild than red and white strains. Others say that it is a combination of both. The reason why green Thai is the most popular of all three Thai strains is that it is entirely side-effect free.

Some users believe that Thailand’s alkaloid rich soil makes Thai strains the most powerful and famous in the market. Whatever the reason may be, the verdict is that green Thai works best for everyone.

How to use Green Vein Thai strain?

The most common way to use it is by making a herbal tea. It means that you need to boil green vein Thai powder in water, like other herbal teas. Be careful about not adding too much quantity. If the powder measurement seems problematic, using green Thai Kratom capsules is also an option. The capsules are pre-packed with a standard amount, so the worrying for weighing the powder is no more.

Best dosage of Green Vein Thai

For establishing a standard dosage, several factors come under consideration. For example, age, sex, previous experience with Kratom, tolerance and much more. Also, it is essential to know that green vein Kratom strains are one of the most potent Kratom products in the market. So one has to be extra careful and not experiment at all.

  • For most of the people, a small dose (usually between 1.0 to 3.0 grams) works best. It nearly makes half a teaspoon.
  • For more effect, using a medium dose (between 3.0 to 5.0 grams) works best. It makes roughly one teaspoon.
  • Only the experienced users can tolerate a high dose that usually exceeds 5 grams. It makes one to two teaspoons. It is recommended not to use any dose exceeding 10.0 grams at any cost as it may bring undesirable effects.

Effects as per dosage

The different dosage of green Thai Kratom will induce different effects. If you don’t believe it, try it for once. Green Thai strain is usually recognized for stimulating effects. It means that the earliest effects to come will be mood enhancement and high energy. These effects show up on low to medium dosage.

A high dose of green Thai Kratom will produce a calming and relaxing effect. The higher the dose you take more will be the effect. At the higher dose, it becomes more sedative. It is a highly desirable effect for people finding natural painkillers and relaxing medicines.

Best effects of Green Vein Thai

By following a standard dose in an appropriate form (i.e., herbal tea, capsule, etc.), you may enjoy the best effects of Kratom’s green Thai strain. Some of them are as follows.

  • It kills social anxiety

Probably the most common reason to use green Thai Kratom is to increase the confidence. No herb does the magic of making a shy person super talkative? But at least green vein Thai Kratom initiates the process by building the personal confidence. It makes the user perform better, get noticed and appreciated for his work- all essentials for socialization.

  • It improves your mood

If it’s about improving your mood, relying on green Thai Kratom is a right decision. Green Thai has a euphoric effect that depends upon a person’s tolerance. The dosage that he takes may be increased to reach to a euphoric state. And that’s not all; most of the people also experience a considerable level of optimism. All this helps to improve your mood just by sipping the amazing green Thai Kratom tea.

  • It induces a feeling of well-being

The positive effects of Thai’s green leaves also include mental clarity, focus, motivation and improved cognitive functions. These effects are best experienced on the medium dose. People overall rate Thai green Kratom among the best Kratom strain for routine use.

  • It relaxes the mind

The natural mood is improving the effectiveness of green Thai Kratom also makes a person calm. All effects of green Thai work together and induce the positivism, an improved state of mind along with nootropic boost. There is less space for any stress or mental exertion to stay.

  • It boosts your energy level

Only a little increase in dose brings the most characteristic effect of green Thai that goes from mood enhancing to energetic boost. If you notice the versatility of this remedial Kratom strain, you may see that this is a convenient and practical choice for a lot of people. Many users like to use green Thai Kratom to get the energy to get through a hectic day. Only one dose of Thai green powder/capsule in the morning is enough to make the whole day easy going. If not once, you may also split the dose and take it twice to make the effects more long-lasting.

  • It relieves the pain

Not mainly a pain killing strain but using moderate to a heavy dosage of green Thai Kratom relieves all types of pain either acute or chronic. Pain due to illness, i.e., arthritis or osteoporosis is easily manageable by using green Thai strain of Kratom. Follow the guidelines and never take it along with painkillers, as it may bring an extreme effect.

Are any risks involved in Green Vein Thai?

There are so many positive effects of green Thai Kratom that they completely outweigh the adverse effects. The most important thing to know is that using green Thai Kratom with no dosage plan and mixing with other herbs may bring dangerous effects.

The risk is highest at beginner level when the user body is new to Kratom. Being a potent strain, green Thai Kratom deserves a careful usage. Some of the most common side effects include unplanned weight loss, irritation, gastric issues, allergies, nausea, dryness of mouth and sleeplessness.

What you may regard here is that all these side effects are only due to misusage of Kratom. It’s not that using green Thai Kratom on its own will damage your body. All the risks associated with green Thai are directly usage and dosage dependent.

User reviews – Green Vein Thai

All the online Kratom forums have active threads on green Thai Kratom strain. It shows how popular it is among people. Most of the people are happy and satisfied with their experience.

A Reddit user shares the effects to be mood enhancing, relaxing and overall enjoyable.

Another user rates green Thai to be the best among six different strains for pain relieving, energetic boost, motivation and euphoric properties.

Most of the Kratom users regardless of previous Kratom experience find green Thai to be a positive Kratom strain to try.

All these reviews suggest green vein Thai Kratom to be a highly recommended strain.


People who think that green Thai Kratom will benefit them should try it. Those who believe that it will not work should try it. Make sure that the Kratom is genuine and pure.

If you are already on a medication, it is better to consult the health care practitioners to avoid any possible complication. It is easy to use green vein Thai when you are following the dosage instructions correctly. To enjoy the best effects of green Thai Kratom, make sure to buy it from a reputed vendor.



  1. I have chronic pain due to nerves trapped in scar tissue.

    What dosage and what specific strain do you recommend?

    • 3-5 g i would suggest Bali though or red vein. Don’t take 5g or more unless you’re experienced

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