The more sophisticated we get with e-commerce and online purchase possibilities, the more we may question what’s a reliable source of Kratom and what is not.

This is a very normal concern in this day and age. It can be scary to give out personal information like one’s shipping address or credit card numbers. We have good reason to be cautious, for most of us have been compromised at some time or another. Although most credit card companies now offer fraud protection for all purchases, we want to feel safe when we are buying anything online.

You can use these tips to see if a source is reliable.

  1. Look for the “HTTPS” secure web address on any page that asks for your personal information.
  2. Read the site’s privacy policy. If they don’t have one, don’t shop at the site.
  1. Make sure the shops you are frequenting believe enough in their own product to guarantee them.
  1. Check for an easy to understand return policy. This should be a measuring rod for any reliable site. If you are unsatisfied with products, you should not be obligated to pay for them.
  1. Confirm the reliability of the site by checking with other users.
  1. Read testimonials from previous customers.
  1. Read customer reviews.

Here are some other suggestions for finding reliable sources.

Take a look at the selection of any kratom store you’re thinking of buying from.

  1. Make sure you’re being offered a broad selection of products from all of the major regions, which produce this herbal remedy. These should include Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, Borneo, Bali, and Sumatra, and Malaysia.
  1. What about types of products? Kratom comes in many forms, not just the standard powder that is most popular among users. Look for the complete range of product types, including resins, extracts, enhanced powders, and tinctures.
  2. The most popular form to buy for new users is Kratom capsules since they tend to be the most convenient. (Please read my other blogs to see my take on capsules.)
  1. Most good kratom vendors will offer discounts based on bulk purchases. You should always receive a great deal when you buy a little extra and stock up. You should never have to pay full price for bulk amounts of kratom.
  2. Mega-deals, such as when you purchase as much as 1000 grams at once, are at times available. Kratom vendors use all the major holidays as “excuses” to offer so many % off. These offers rarely last, so you should snap them up when they appear.

I’ve already blogged about some of the most respected sites. However, here is another one that seems to keep popping up. Reportedly Arena Ethnobotanicals is well-established and has superior service, great deals, and fantastic products. Their records show some of the best prices, speedy shipping and outstanding products.

I hope these simple ideas will put you in good standing with a reliable company. Read our comprehensive buying guide here.
