If you are a day-to-day user of Kratom, you must have experienced a time where your Kratom no longer seems to be as strong as it should. This can happen if you build up a strong tolerance level or you have stored your Kratom for a longer period of time. These are both common reasons why Kratom loses its strength, though you may also want to boost the strength of it to make the most out of this herb.

When you are interested in elevating the strength of your Kratom strain, there are quite a lot of ways through which this can be achieved. By using a variety of natural foods; you can easily increase the strength of the Kratom.

Boost Kratom With Natural Foods

Just like the Kratom tree is fostered by the balmy climate and the intense soil of Southeast Asia, the resulting medicinal power of the Kratom can also be increased with other natural foods that we consume on a daily basis. Here are top boosting Kratom foods that are reported by the users from all over the world.

Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne pepper is a very powerful compound and is often used to help in detoxing and cleansing the body. It helps produce saliva for the digestion, support weight loss and helps relieve joint pain when used with Kratom. Mixing dry Kratom powder with Cayenne pepper can smoothly increase the strenght of the Kratom. Mix both these ingredient together by using a small amount of Cayenne pepper. If you are allergic to pepper then you might want to use less amount of it. Using Kratom for the first time, then you might have do your experiment with quite little mixture of Cayenne pepper and Kratom. Gradually increase it for your taste and results you want.

Cayenne Pepper KratomGrapefruit Juice

There are a couple of different ways through which you can use grapefruit juice to enhance the potential of Kratom powder. Drink a glass of grapefruit after you take your Kratom powder or mix the two together when using it in a recipe form. Many users have stated that they use grapefruit juice as a part of their Kratom routine but everyone has their own experience and suggestion. Although grapefruit juice works wells for the opiates and it enhances the strength of Kratom, but keep in mind there is chemical in grapefruit juice that might influence some of the digestive enzymes in your body. White grapefruit juice processes the enzyme function that is linked with the metabolism of most essential kratom alkaloids thus double its strength in the treatment of anxiety or pain.


Turmeric is the strong spice that offers boosting effects when it is consumed with Kratom. Just like cayenne pepper, turmeric can be mixed with dry Kratom powder. Add just a small pinch of your Kratom powder and you will be glad to see the results. If you don’t notice a boost then adds a bit of turmeric to the mixture. To enhance the greater strength of Kratom, use a tablespoon of turmeric before ingesting Kratom. When used in combination with Black Pepper, the Kratom strength increase by 2000% and it helps lower your tolerance.

Turmeric-KratomKratom With Tea

There are many different recipes for making Kratom tea, while using Kratom powder. If the idea of having Kratom tea gives you an uncomfortable feeling then consider taking herbal tea after you have consumed the Kratom powder. Chamomile and green tea are both known for their calming effects. Combining this with a red vein strain will help in increasing the potency of that Kratom and will get you more out of the herb.

Along with all the natural foods listed above, you can also opt for having Kratom with a cup of coffee for the boost in alertness. For those who want a soothing effect rather than alerting, a valerian root can be chewed for the enhancement of red leaf Kratom.

If you are going to use a natural food to enhance the potency of your Kratom, you must determine whether to eat the food before, during or after you take the Kratom. With Valerian root or coffee, you might want to consume Kratom afterward. With grapefruit juice first take the Kratom and then drink the juice.

These are just a few suggestions for increasing the potency of the Kratom. Whether you have a strong tolerance, your Kratom has lost its potency or you simply want to boost your Kratom experience, consider using one of these natural enhancing options.

Kratom With TeaRight Timing To Increase the Strength of Kratom

Most of these ideas for Kratom combinations and stacks won’t work effectively if you take them just after you ingest Kratom powder. In many cases, take the boosting food 45 minutes before you consume the Kratom to achieve he greatest results. On the whole, you can anticipate longer timings for any kratom session.

Important Point: It is not essential to take more than one additive for each Kratom experience. Users have reported that one is more than enough and more will not add in any benefits.

How Do These Potentiators work With Kratom?

All in all, is there any science after how to potentiate kratom with this normal nourishment? In all cases, the potentiating substance attempts to moderate digestion system. Specifically, the objective is to slow down the enzyme cytochrome P450. This enzyme is in charge of separating and removing the kratom alkaloids once they are in your body. In this way, it promises well that any nourishment which moderates down the work of this enzyme will make the kratom last more.

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