Arthritis is an autoimmune condition in which the joints are attacked in a way to produce pain for long periods. This condition itself poses a threat to the body and causes immense pain, which often leaves the patients incapable of leading a healthy daily life.

Arthritis is of two types, rheumatoid arthritis, and osteoarthritis. The above condition is defined as the one where intense pain is the result of the body’s mechanism attacking the tissues and joints.

The latter condition is defined as the one in which the body attacks the joint lining and cartilage, causing intense pain during any physical activity.

Arthritis can severely hinder regular routines and results in a lack of confidence, motivation, and stimulation to do something worthwhile.

According to the Arthritis Foundation, 54million adults and 0.3million children are diagnosed with arthritis in the United States. If the undiagnosed figures are also taken into consideration, the number of arthritis inflicted persons goes up to 91.2million!

Now imagine the plight of these people who cannot lead a regular daily life due to their health.

There are several pain killers and suppressants that may help temporarily, but the condition remains. The heavy opioid medication can cause a lot of undesirable side effects that further obstruct everyday life and healthy lifestyles.

While there are many medicines available, people always look for a natural and safer method.

Kratom has brought good news for people who have arthritis, as it reduces dependence on opiates while providing pain relief.

Does Kratom Help Arthritis Pain?

Arthritis is a condition that does not only cause pain but also stiffness of joints and decreased movement, which can get worse with time.

Some other symptoms of arthritis are anxiety and depression. Conventional medicines may help, but the chemicals in them do not help in the long run.

There are many disadvantages to taking pharmaceutical medicine for a long time. For patients of diabetes, blood pressure, and heart issues, arthritis treatment is further narrowed down.

This reduction in treatment options is because they cannot tolerate the heavy dosage, and they cannot rely on high-potency medicines.

Any organic substance is good news for such people as it reduces pain without the side effects that are a part of the pharmaceutical medication available for this condition.

Kratom is an organic substance that helps stimulate the senses and reduce aches and pain in the body. For arthritis, it is an excellent supplement!

Kratom – A Brief Background

Kratom is a tree, native to Southeast Asia. It grows in Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, and the islands in the region. The tree leaves were used in the traditional apothecary’s medicines.

This organic substance is categorized according to the origin and the color of the central vein in the leaves. Green, white, and red Kratom originating from Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, and the Kalimantan, Sunda, and Bali Islands are just some of the types of Kratom.

Now that we can buy this substance in the United States, a lot of people are showing interest in this enigmatic and exotic organic supplement.

How It Works

Kratom is rich in alkaloids. These alkaloids react with the receptors in our brain and improve the functions of various organs, bringing about an improvement in health.

The binding of alkaloids with the opioid receptors in the brain help in reducing pain. People suffering from Kratom have benefitted from this substance significantly.

Status Of Kratom In The United States. Is It Legal For Arthritis?

Kratom made its way to the American market two decades ago. The people welcomed it, but the FDA and regulatory authorities did not recognize it as a medicine.

The organic substance was also on the Schedule 1 Drug Control list but was then removed later.

In 2019, Kratom is legal in the United States, but some states have different bans and updates at different times.

The overall statistics are that all states have allowed Kratom use except Alabama, Arkansas, Indiana, Vermont, Wisconsin, and some parts of Mississippi. If users are located in any of the states mentioned here, Kratom availability might be a big problem for them!

Kratom has a good reputation as an organic pain killer; therefore, people who have arthritis can benefit from it. However, every user must try to understand their optimum dosage.

The research work and scientific observation of Kratom are limited due to the pharmaceutical industry’s lack of interest in the substance.

The disadvantage of less research and lack of regulation is that major drug stores do not sell Kratom.

Additionally, new users cannot find enough research to understand how this substance works.

However, people who use this substance are more than satisfied, and their reviews provide useful resources for new users and people who want to know about Kratom.

You can find reviews from arthritis patients on different social media forums such as Reddit, Facebook, and YouTube. It can give you an idea of how much Kratom you can use and which type will provide you with the required results.

What Do People Say?

People who have arthritis say that the Kratom types with high alkaloid content help them deal with joint pain and discomfort.

The Maeng Da variation of Kratom is considered reliable and suitable for chronic pain as well as stimulation.

People who feel pain and cannot execute their daily duties say that Kratom has helped them return to a healthy lifestyle. The other types of kratom are also beneficial for depression, but the degree of pain relief may vary.

Some Kratom types might cause sedation, so users have to find the best strain for their condition after following the reviews and experiences of Kratom users.

Rheumatoid arthritis patients’ reviews have explained that:

  • Rheumatoid arthritis patients can take Kratom for pain and stiffness.
  • Kratom might not halt joint damage but reduces inflammation significantly.
  • Energizes the body and reduces fatigue.
  • Kratom allows users to cut the dosage of heavy medicines.
  • Kratom stimulates the body and helps with restricted movements.
  • The organic substance is an excellent alternative to medications that cause sedation or nausea.
  • A small dose of Kratom can help with arthritis pain, while the heavy dosage of medicines might cause severe dependence.

Osteoarthritis patients also feel that Kratom has helped them with pain and inflammation. Patients have been able to resume their daily activities without worrying about pain or lack of flexibility.

Is Kratom Addictive?

Apart from being a stimulant and a pain killer, Kratom is also successfully used to relieve the symptoms of opioid withdrawal.

However, many users experienced dependence on Kratom with time. It is also an established truth that Kratom withdrawal is tough, albeit less intense and shorter.

For people who have arthritis, Kratom is a pain killer that helps them return to a healthy lifestyle.

If this organic substance is consumed in moderation, there will be no addiction, and therefore, the withdrawal symptoms will not exist!

The Best Strains For Arthritis

The different properties and effects of Kratom help the people suffering from chronic pain, fatigue, inflammation, and the depression or anxiety that results from these health issues.

Kratom is an organic substance that offers relief from many of the effects of arthritis and is, therefore, a good substitute for medicines. The different Kratom strains have properties that make them an ideal pick for arthritis patients.

Green Maeng Da is a potent strain as it has high alkaloid content and can help curb pain. This Kratom type is also perfect for anxiety and stimulates the senses. Arthritis symptoms can be reduced with a small dosage of Green Maeng Da.

Users claim that only 2mg of this strain can create a desirable difference! It is always recommended to start with a small amount of Kratom and gradually increase it to get rid of all the symptoms of arthritis.

The green Maeng Da is often mixed with White Maeng Da Kratom to increase potency, depending on the intensity of pain. This kind of Kratom serves the purpose of curbing arthritis symptoms as it covers almost all the side effects such as fatigue, lack of energy, anxiety, and depression.

Borneo White Kratom is another popular remedy for arthritis. Whether you have rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis, the pain and all other symptoms can be combatted with this strain.

Borneo white is an Indonesian strain with a balanced alkaloid content to help life moods, improve the everyday lifestyle by alleviating pain, and giving a positive outlook.

Red Maeng Da is another good option for arthritis pain. Users feel relaxed and soothed so they can carry on with their daily duties in a healthy manner.

Red Horn Kratom is also beneficial and helps with mood enhancement, energy levels, and effectively resist pain.

Another red vein Kratom type for arthritis is the Red Bali kratom. Red vein Kratom types are known for their pain relief property, but these strains also invigorate the senses and motivate the user.

Method Of Consumption

You can use Kratom powder or other products quickly, without spending a long time in preparation. Users will find kratom powder, capsules, teas, and even tinctures to help arthritis pain.

Healthy morning tea is an excellent way to consume Kratom as it also helps soothe the digestive system and relax the nerves. Toss and wash is a simple and accessible way to consume Kratom.

All you need to do is take a spoonful of the powder and drink it down with water. Capsules and tinctures are also secure methods of consumption.

The users are always advised to find the right vendor for their Kratom supply. Due to a lack of regulation, there can be a lot of substandard and contaminated products in the market.

Choose a permanent vendor you can trust with quality. Fresh and well-packed kratom powder will give better results than old and contaminated products!

Some research and user reviews are essential to decide a reliable supplier for all your Kratom products.

The best online shop for Kratom will provide a transparent production trail along with the lab results of all their products. You can check the production method and ensure satisfaction before ordering.

Dosage For Arthritis Pain

The right dosage for Kratom depends on several factors. Health conditions, age, and type of problem are some of the factors that may alter the efficacy of this organic substance for individuals.

It is pertinent to remember that due to the lack of regulation, all Kratom products in the market are not pure. This purity level will impact the dosage needed for users.

Similarly, all types of Kratom have varying impacts on users, so everyone needs to figure out their suitable dose. There are no instructions or recommended dosage that affects all users uniformly. Users are advised to consult a physician, and then start using Kratom with a minimum amount.

For arthritis, the pain is intense, and users might need a higher dose to curb the discomfort. You should always start with a minimal amount and then build up to your optimum dosage.

Here is a general guideline that can help users understand how much of each type of kratom is considered minimum for arthritis pain:

Bali Kratom: 1 tablespoon is 6.2 grams, one teaspoon is 2.3 grams.
Green Malay: One tablespoon is 6.9 grams, one teaspoon is 2.4 grams.
Maeng Da: One tablespoon is 7 grams, and one teaspoon is 2.4 grams.

The difference in the weight is due to the moisture and density of the various kinds of Kratom powders.



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