Mixed Maeng Da is a mixture of three various strains of Kratom. It is composed of Red, White and Green Maeng Da. With the best strains of Kratom in one packing under one label, we are looking forward to the best Kratom product.

This mixture of 3 types of Maeng Da means that you will experience stimulation, energy, and euphoria at the same time.

Let’s have a look at the properties, benefits, and dosage of Mixed Maeng Da.

The red vein component of Mixed Maeng Da Kratom

The red Maeng Da component of Mixed Maeng Da imparts some amazing properties to it. Therefore, mixed Maeng Da is readily used by many for ailments that involve chronic pain.

Mixed Maeng Da increases the circulating levels of serotonin, enkephalins, and endorphins which act as potent pain kills in the analgesia system of the human body. Consumption of Mixed Maeng Da leads to boosting of motivation, making one feel more confident and energetic. It produces stimulation that is comparable to that of Adderall.

Red Maeng Da is also used to get relief from stress and as an anti-depressant. With the consumption of Mixed Maeng Da, you will feel that your touch sensation increases and you get aroused quicker, thus adding more pleasure to your sexual life. Therefore, it is rightly said that Mixed Maeng Da increases libido.

Its anxiolytic effects make it a popular choice amongst those who have generalized anxiety disorders.

The white vein component of Mixed Maeng Da Kratom

White Maeng Da is known for producing analgesia that lasts longer; therefore, it is used to get relief from chronic pain. Mixed Maeng Da is used by those suffering from osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, chronic backache, rheumatoid arthritis, joint pain, and cancer. It is also known to enhance mental as well as physical readiness.

Mixed Maeng Da also produces sedation and causes numbness thus relieving discomfort. It helps in elevating mood, and thus it can be used for recreational purposes too. It helps in fighting depressive states and reducing alleviating stress.

The nootropic effect of White Maeng Da is clearly felt in Mixed Maeng Da too. It enhances the cognitive functions enabling one to focus better on the higher centers of the brain operate efficiently due to neurostimulation.

The benefits of having green vein in Mixed Maeng Da Kratom

Green Maeng Da is one of the fastest strains of Kratom. Consumption of Mixed Maeng Da containing green strain allows one to be active for a very short period of times. It makes one feel very confident and optimistic.

The energy is noticeable. It can be felt running in the veins.

You will get all hyped, your thoughts running at a hundred thousand miles per second. The energy doesn’t make you feel over stimulated or hyperventilated. It’s just the right balance that makes you talkative.

You would feel a surge of energy that will get you do things, instead of over thinking about things. Your anxiety will drop to zero!

With all the threes trains mixed, one incredible strain Mixed Maeng Da is produced! What else does one want? Three in one is more than anything that one wants! Analgesia, Energy, Stimulation, you have everything that you are looking for!

The best part is that you do not need to take these strains separately at intervals. Everything is mixed for you already; you just have to take the routine dose of Kratom!



  1. IMO…MALAYSIA’s Custom Blend of 8 in 1 variety is a “must try” for a mixed ME blend!! One gets RED/GREEN/WHITE/YELLOW/GREEN MAYLAY AND RED BALI-all in one!!!

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