Since its inception, Original Harvest Kratom has been actively pursuing a name and popularity as a Kratom vendor in the world of Nootropics. We will be looking at some features of this company.


I think a lot of you might think that it is hard to find a Kratom vendor who is far from being a scam and actually offer their customers good quality Kratom. To make you believe that such vendors still exist, we will be reviewing Kratom acquired from the company Original Harvest in today’s post. Stay tuned till the end.

What is all the fuss about this company?

Original Harvest Kratom has been highly rated in the vicinity of North America and even internationally due to its highly potent Kratom. They have toiled quite a bit to gather together Kratom of the best grade from organic farmers in Indonesia and supply it to the rest of the world.

These collective efforts have helped them obtain offer Kratom as a medicinal herbal product to be used for its relaxing, sedating and its analgesic properties.

What products do they offer?

Original Harvest Kratom Original Harvest Kratom has a variety of Kratom products ranging from Kratom powder, capsules and even leaves which are great for anyone who loves conducting brewing experiments.

They are endowed with many strains such as Bali Red Kratom, Maeng da white vein, Maeng da red vein, Bali white, Maeng da white, Maeng da Green, Borneo Red vein, Kali Red vein, Red horned Kratom and others. They have a different section dedicated to their popular products and best sellers. Not many Kratom vendors can boast of providing and stocking 50 strains of this herb.

What is the price range for its products?

The standard prices for the powdered form start from $14 to around $18 for 1 oz of Kratom. The capsules sell at a price of up to $22. These prices are a bit fluctuant and may vary in some cases depending on the availability of the product or just a specific strain.

All in all, I would still stay that it is not quite an affordable product keeping in mind that they have a huge range, and is quite overpriced.

How can I order their product?

All orders are placed online and honestly; I do not need to guide you much through the ordering process as the website interface is extremely detailed. They have started off with giving a thorough introduction about themselves, the uses of kratom, their product range and finally the ordering process.

They help you order by specifying and selecting the form of Kratom you need (powdered or capsule), then the strain. Then you can choose the weight of the Kratom, and finally, it will be added to your cart.

Customer Service

After premium quality, customer service of any company selling any product will remain to be the make or break factor in judging a vendor.

Original harvest Kratom has an indispensable customer service that puts them out on the top. The customer service agents will help you in any obstacle you might face from the start till the end. They will intervene at any step you might face any difficulties in and try their level best to rectify it.

Apart from their website they have a functioning and responsive Facebook media page as well.

My personal experience with Original Harvest Kratom

I have used Kratom from Original Harvest on and off while using other products as well. My reason for finding solace in Kratom was mostly born due to the daily stresses faced by the burden of my career. Kratom acted as a natural relief substance and even worked like a sedative during panic attacks.

Before ordering from Original Harvest Kratom I tried searching for a few reviews online, but unfortunately, the search results didn’t turn up with anything, so I decided to try it on my own.

I first started with the Bali white vein Kratom powder due to its special feature of being effective enough for daytime use as that was the time when I was faced with mental and emotional stress. It helped immensely with my focus and helped calm my nerves.

Another thing to mention over here is that it did not have any analgesic effect unlike other Kratom strains and can easily replace your morning coffee dose. After using the Bali white vein, I tried the Bali red vein powder as well due to its analgesic properties. This was one of the cheaper strains which were the main reason for it being lower in price as compared to its counterparts.

The low price of this strain is mainly due to the increased availability as this strain especially can grow quickly and be harvested.

How should you use Kratom?

Kratom is a potent alkaloid with Mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine, which acts with certain receptors in the brain and spinal cord to produce the required effects. Depending on the amount consumed, Kratom can either work as a stimulant or a sedative.

At doses of 1 to 3 grams, you can get stimulating effects which help you focus and retain cognition. Increasing doses will help you develop sedation and will have a relaxant effect.

Original Harvest’s role in making Kratom Legal

After the attempt to impose a ban by the DEA on Kratom in 2016, Original Harvest Kratom was one of the agencies working towards making the misunderstood Kratom be free and legal. This was done through petitions, public comments, and outcries.

Final verdict

When it comes to buying Kratom, sometimes things might not exactly be what they seem. In many cases the packaging looks good, the website looks accommodating, the reviews might be filled with appreciations, but in the end, it just turns out to be another marketing tactic.

I would decide the final verdict based on the basics; Premium quality, fast delivery, prompt customer services agent, your money being secure and the assurance that the product will deliver the pharmacological effect you were looking for.

Having said this, I would still suggest you try out the product on your own and be satisfied with it rather than only taking my word for it.



  1. Placed an order, mailed a cash payment and have not received my order to date 3 weeks. They would not return phone calls finally responded to email simply stating they have received payment. Would not order from them with cash I have no trust in them.

  2. I also gave OHK cash and have not received my shipment – will not answer phones or return messages. When I went on their Facebook page and complained they blocked me. This is a dodgy company and whoever is running it obviously does not care about customer service. Do not trust these guys they are not who the claim to be‼️Ripoff and dishonest.

  3. Same issues here. Shipping label created on the 22nd. But still hasn’t actually been picked up by USPS. I have made several contacts thru their site and also called. Got redirected to voicemail. This was my first and last order.

  4. Similar issues here. Sent them an order then etransfer about a week ago. Order not shipped, nor processed. They do not answer phone calls nor return messages. They do not answer emails. Their website looks legit but there is a problem here. The address listed on their website appears to be a Virtual Mailbox Service.

  5. This company is complete bullshit and fake. I have called every phone number they have and won’t pick up nor return messages. I wasted my money and have no way of getting it back, I will sue them and wipe this company from the face of the planet. Worthless cunts.

  6. DO NOT order from this company! Ordered $100 worth of product, order processed within a day thru e-transfer & my order has said “Shipment Ready” for over a week now, sent a message thru the website, sat on hold 2x now for a couple hours with no response. Now I get to go thru the headache of seeing how to hopefully get the funds back thru my bank.

  7. I guess that I should have researched this company prior to a recent attempted purchase. Ordered 10/18/2020 – received confirmation number by email the same day. Payment was processed the following day, 10/19/2020. Then, just as others have mentioned – nothing. The confirmation email that I received on 10/18/2020 charged for and confirmed shipping within 3-5 business days. I to have contacted the company via email (more than once) and like others have not received a reply. Also, I have called and just the same as others have mentioned, you are on permanent hold while being reminded every 7 seconds how important your call is. On all three occasions that I telephoned the company I would be on hold, again reminded every 7 seconds just how important my call was and then finally the recorded voice would let me know that they are now closed as of 5:00 pm PST. It is now obvious that this merchant accepts only payment forms that are not easily returned/disputed. I decided to buy local, same product just a different label and at the end of the day I paid the same price and actually received what I purchased. Fancy website that is full of promises and allure, some valid information about kratom but that’s where it stops.

  8. Same as others, email saying ordered received, then nothing, phone call answering loop, non response to 5 emails…
    like some one said, should have done deeper research. They have obviously created bogus review sites also….

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