
Hurray! A great chance to win a scholarship by writing an academic research article on Kratom and earn $1000.

Kratom Guides is a site that is committed to all the superb writes, and also known for providing authenticated and research-based information on Kratom. We help people to gain knowledge about this magical herb and provide unbiased Kratom vendor reviews.

kratom scholarship programTo spread the knowledge among students, Kratom Guides is proud to offer the “Kratom Research Scholarship.” Win $1,000 by just writing the research content on Kratom to use your superb brains! And get a fantastic scholarship.

In any case, we trust that vision or creativity that is sprawling all over the place and in almost everybody. All we require is the right push to bring it out. The impact of written content is convincing and brings the change. Remembering those, we have thought of a scholarship contest that will encourage youthful writers.

This door is open for both under and postgraduate youngsters who have a superb talent for writing. By participating in this scholarship contest, you will get an opportunity of winning $1,000.

Who can apply?

Our scholarship program is available to all youngsters, and they can easily participate in this scholarship contest.

In case, you feel that this scholarship is useful, and can help you in particular ways, at that point don’t hesitate to contact us concerning any questions.

How can you apply?

Participating in the scholarship contest is genuinely encouraging. We needn’t bother with much from you, and all we are saying here is a short research writing on Kratom that makes an item audit supportive. You can utilize distinctive sources for writing.

Merely pursue these fundamental advances:

  • Be precise and innovative
  • The words must be 1500-3000 words
  • The content must be original

Note: we offer a scholarship program yearly

Eligibility criteria

  • Whatever you write, must be original and innovative, and free of plagiarism. Your content must persuade with satisfactorily written and spelled words.
  • This scholarship contest is just for the youngsters seeking after their examinations in the schools, colleges or universities.
  • Every candidate must have the capacity to show confirmation of enlistment to the college so the grant installment can be made to their budgetary guide account.
  • Every candidate can win the scholarship once.
  • Every candidate may submit one application every year.
  • Any misinformation or written falsification of the research will result in exclusion from the contest.

Creative skills

The contestant is relied upon to research about thoroughly on the given subject before making the article. The article must be unique and innovative. It will be broke down dependent on the real information, use of words and composing style.

Subsequently, try to make a sensible article with the given words restriction.

How to submit your application?

Alongside the article, the contestant should furnish us with the accompanying data:

  • Individual Information (Full Name, Phone, and Address)
  • Name of the School/College/University
  • Domain of Study

Once you finish the article, you can submit us the article at

Deadline of the scholarship contest

The last date for the article submission is July 30, 2022. The winning article will be picked and declared on Aug 10, 2020.

The champion can anticipate that our check will be dispatched by Aug 20, 2019. The cash check will be sent straightforwardly to the member’s school/college/university.