Socal Kratom should be an immediate choice for all nature lovers to buy Kratom strains like it has become for me. Dangers of chemical-laden drugs and medicines motivated me to search for organic and natural alternatives for them, and while I was exploring different options, I came across Kratom powders.

Kratom is the herbal drug which has been used by natives of Southeast Asia for thousands of years because of its immensely effective analgesic properties. It’s mood-boosting and energy-alleviating traits, its capacity to enhance the concentration and focus level of the consumer and its ability to bring overall positive well-being in the individual.

But getting knowledge about Kratom was one thing and getting the right Kratom product was another.

So many vendors are out there in the market, each claiming to be the best but not all of them are experts in the fields. Most of the vendors only boast about their strains while actually lacking in the quality and potency of the strains.

I wasted 100s of dollars on buying Kratom from different vendors; after consuming grams and grams of their products, I felt a little effect, which honestly I wasn’t expecting in light of the reviews.

One of my friends recommended Socal Kratom, and I can’t thank her enough for this recommendation. The seller is amazing, and the quality of the strains is beyond amazing.

Just 2 grams and I was feeling a rush of energy and positivity in my body. Since then I have ordered different strains from Socal Kratom and never faced disappointment.

Each strain has full alkaloid potency, they smell so good (no stale smell) and they are extremely effective. If you are a beginner or Kratom lover, you must try some strains by Socal Kratom and feel the difference.

Kratom Strains Available at Socal Herbal Remedies

Socal herbal remedies offer a comprehensive range of Kratom strains; from Green strains to Maeng Da Strains to Hybrid Kratoms, they’ve all of them. I was surprised to see such an extensive list of products.

Check out the range of Kratom strains:

  • Maeng Da Kratom Strain

Maeng Da Kratom strains by Socal Kratom are for those looking for potent alkaloid content in their strain, and the multiple varieties they offer can be mixed for a personalized strain.

Ideal to satisfy the palette of hardcore kratom lovers, Socal herbal remedies offers following Maeng Da Kratom Strains.

1) Green Maeng Da – Price:$6.50 (1 oz) – $25.00 (250g)

Green Maeng Da by Socal Kratom isn’t just green strain, it’s a composite of 80% Green Vein powder and 20% White Vein powder for added effectiveness and to provide an enhanced experience to the users.

2) Plantation Maeng Da – Price: $6.50 (1 oz) – $25.00 (250g)

This premium quality Kratom strain is derived from a superior version of Thai Kratom trees which have been planted by using the art of grafting. It contains 70% Green Vein and 30% White Vein strain.

3) Red Maeng Da – Price: $6.50 (1 oz) – $25.00 (250g)

A powerful blend of 60% Red Vein and 40% White Vein Kratom powder, this Red Maeng Da by Socal Kratom contains the highest alkaloid contents for superior effectiveness.

4) Ultra Enhanced Maeng Da – Price: $4.25 (1 g) – $47.70 (41g)

Socal herbal remedies offer this specialized blend of Maeng da Strain which comprises two key kratom strains.

It’s made up of 50% Green Vein and 50% White Vein which have been blended; to enhance its effectiveness, 12 g of 50x Gold extract and 1000 mg of CBD isolate are included in to provide the users with an amazing experience.

5) White Maeng Da – Price: $6.50 (1 oz) – $25.00 (250g)

White Maeng Da comprise of 70% White Vein strain and 30% Green Vein Kratom strain powder which have been made from finely crushed leaves having high alkaloid potency.

  • Kratom Samples Pack by Socal Kratom

Socal Kratom is best in the way that it has special sample packs available for beginners, who can try different strains to decide which one suits them the most. Most vendors don’t offer the samples, and you have to purchase a full pack to try a new strain.

1) Beginner Kratom Sample Pack ($28.00)

Beginners Kratom Sample pack by Socal Kratom is definitely for you if you are trying kratom for the first time. It contains the following four types of 100% pure kratom strains powder.

  • White Elephant (1 oz pack)
  • Green Bali (1 oz pack)
  • Wild Premium Red (1 oz pack)
  • Digital Buddha (1 oz pack)

2) Maeng Da Kratom Sample Pack ($28.00)

This Sample pack is ideal for those who want to taste all spectrums of this amazing strain. The sample pack consists of samples of the following strains.

  • White Maeng Da (1 oz pack)
  • Red Maeng Da (1 oz pack)
  • Green Maeng Da (1 oz pack)
  • Plantation Maeng Da (1 oz pack)
  • Specialty Kratom Blends by Socal Herbal Remedies

Experts at Socal Kratom have blended different strains to provide some hybrid Kratom powders. So, if you want an out-of-the-world experience with a blend of effects of different white, red and green strains then you must try these. Following are the blends Socal herbal remedies offer with their contents ratio.

1) Above the Waves – Price: $6.50 (1 oz) – $25.00 (250g)

  • Red Vein (#red 1) – 35%
  • Red Vein (#red 2) – 35%
  • Green Vein – 15%
  • White Vein – 15%

2) Digital Buddha– Price: $6.50 (1 oz) – $25.00 (250g)

  • White Vein – 50%
  • Green Vein – 30%
  • Red vein – 20%

3) Spacebird – Price: $6.50 (1 oz) – $25.00 (250g)

  • Green Vein – 50%
  • Red Vein – 25%
  • White Vein – 25%

4) Super Thai – Price: $6.50 (1 oz) – $25.00 (250g)

  • Red Vein – 40%
  • Green vein – 30%
  • White Vein – 30%
  • Bali Kratom

Different strains of Bali Kratom have different effects which also vary from person to person; my favourite from Socal Kratom is White Bali because of its soothing and calming effect.

The best part about Socal Kratom is that its strains are pure and have high alkaloid content, which makes it stand out among other vendors. Check out different Bali strains they offer.

Price: $6.50 (1oz) to $25.00 (250g).

  • Green Vein Kratom

Socal herbal remedies offers a great range of Green Vein strains, so if you’re a Green powder lover, then this place will be heaven for you. Check out their variety.

  • 50x Super Green Extract
  • Enhanced Indo
  • Green API
  • Green Asia
  • Green Batak
  • Green Borneo
  • Green Brunei
  • Green Elephant
  • Green Hulu
  • Green JongKong
  • Green Malay
  • Green Sunda
  • Green Thai
  • Green Vietnam
  • Light Green
  • Old Leaf Green
  • Pure Yellow
  • Super Green
  • Super Yellow
  • Step and Vein – Price is $20.00 (250g)
  • Wild Green Ketapang
  • Wild Premium Green

The price for the most green vein Kratom sold at Socal herbal is between $1.89 (1g) to $45.00 (1oz).

  • Red Vein Kratom

Red Vein Kratom powder is for all those who want a high Kratom experience and rich alkaloid content. Socal Kratom fulfills the demands of all those. It offers following extensive range of Red Vein Kratom powders

  • Chocolate
  • Dark Elephant
  • Dark red Borneo
  • Dark Red Malay
  • Red Asia
  • Red Batak
  • Red Horn
  • Red JongKong
  • Red Kali
  • Wild Premium Red
  • Wild Red Elephant
  • Wild Red Hulu
  • Wild Red Vietnam
  • Yellow Sunda

Price of red Kratom is between $6.50 (1oz) to $25.00 (250g).

  • White Vein Kratom

I must say these are the best white vein strains I have ever found. Their high grade strains have just the right amount of alkaloid content and potency. Socal herbal remedies offers following White strains

  • White Bali
  • White Borneo
  • White Elephant
  • White Hulu Kapuas
  • White Thai
  • White JongKong
  • White Sunda
  • Wild Premium White

Price of white Kratom is between $6.50 (1oz) to $25.00 (250g).

  • Yellow Kratom

It’s quite difficult to find yellow strains because mostly vendors confuse them with Red strains but Socal Kratom knows the difference and offers following yellow kratom strains for its customers.

  • Pure Yellow
  • Super Yellow
  • Yellow Sunda
  • Yellow Vietnam

Yellow Kratom price at Socal Herbal Remedies is between $6.50 (1oz) and $25.00 (250g).

Customers’ Reviews About Socal Herbal Remedies

While scrolling through the customers’ reviews about Socal Kratom, all I found were the happy customers who were more than delighted with the service, quality of the products and customer care service by Socal Kratom.

Following are some of the customers’ reviews on Facebook (as facebook don’t allow you to edit reviews, so you can trust these positive reviews) about Socal Kratom.

“Glad I could finally find a great, reliable company for my kratom. He’s an amazing vendor, answers all of your questions the best that he can, fast shipping, great product, and great customer service. I highly recommend Socal Kratom”

“Just placed my first kratom order with this company, and I have to say GREAT customer service! Ordering was a very simple & fast process. The prices are extremely reasonable, much less than other companies I’ve tried.”

“You will not find a vendor that cares more about quality, customer service and about his customers personally. He holds his suppliers to his top quality standards and makes sure all of his product is lab tested and the best quality. He cares about all of his customers and helping them figure out the best products to meet their needs. I can’t say enough good things about Socal Kratom”.

How to Find Coupons and Discount Codes of Socal Herbal Remedies?

Herbal supplements are usually expensive, so are Kratom strains. Though Socal Kratom offers some really competitive prices, you can even make the deal better by availing these discounts and utilizing coupons codes.

  • – Get 10% off on your first purchase by following their facebook and twitter accounts.
  • – No code needed; 60% Off on Kratom Sampler Pack 1oz.
  • – Register on the site to receive a free Kratom bag.
    CODE – SPK15G.
  • – Make order of $50 and receive 2 Free 15 KratomCapsule Packs.
  • – Order high-quality kratom and get free shipping.
  • – Order NATURES GIFT-ORGANIC KRATOM capsules and gets $5 off.
  • – Purchase Red Vein Bali Kratom and get 8% off.
    CODE: redbali8disc.

Final Thoughts About Socal Herbal Remedies

I have tried a variety of strains by Socal Kratom, also gave some of them to my friends and till now I haven’t had any complaints regarding the quality or quantity of the products it offers.

Positive customers’ reviews about Socal Kratom further strengthens my stance that it offers the best quality Kratom strains in the market and its comprehensive products list makes sure that everyone gets something according to his or her taste and requirement.

It’s still recommended to use Kratom strains with caution as FDA hasn’t approved it for human consumption and avoid an overdose of Kratom capsules/powders because no matter how organic or natural they are, excess of everything is wrong and may bring unpleasant consequences.
