Maeng Da Kratom is one of the finest forms of Kratom. Even though many people don’t know much of its effects, origins, and potency, this strain is one of the most effective Kratom since 2015. Its strength hasn’t been stated yet as compared to the other strains.

This Kratom is still considered to be amazing for those who are looking for pain relief and stimulation, which very few other varieties of Kratom offer.

Maeng Da Kratom is among one of the most popular strains of the Mitragyna Speciosa plant in year 2018. It is a superior version of the Thai strain, produced using the ancient art of grafting.

This refined strain believed to be more stable, potent, and less susceptible to drastic climatic and environmental changes.

Its unique blend of alkaloids provides a perfect balance between stimulating and analgesic effects. The strength of Maeng Da accounting for its wide use and increasing popularity.

Maeng Da Kratom

Maeng Da KratomMaeng Da Kratom is the hereditarily engineered imitative of the Thai Kratom tree and is not for having high alkaloid content that is an archetypal strain.

This Mitragyna species plant started to display great stability in its growth and is less vulnerable to changes that occur due to seasonal fluctuations.

The leaves of Maeng Da Kratom have a darker color as compared to the other Kratom. It turns into a green shade in the form of grounded powdered or crushed leaves.

Though there are small studies on this subject, it has been reported that Maeng Da leaves contains more of active alkaloids.

Two most active alkaloids in Maeng Da Kratom are Mitragynine (Molecular formula: C23H30N2O4) , and 7 hydroxymitragynine (Molecular formula: C23H30N2O5).

  • Red Maeng Da Kratom

The red veined Maeng Da believed to be one of the most potent Kratom strain. It has an intermediate composition of the alkaloids, pantetheine, and 7-hydroxymitragynine, which gives the strain its broad range of effects.

Like all red strains, this type of Maeng Da known for its sedative properties, and considered more effective and long-lasting.

Red Maeng Da also known as an analgesic, anxiolytic as well as a mild stimulant.

  • Green Maeng Da Kratom

This green Maeng Da strain is the perfect solution for those who are looking for stimulation, an energy boost. It is great for mood elevation, confidence, motivation and the general feeling of happiness.

With its distinctive blend of alkaloids, green Maeng Da Kratom is one of the fastest acting strains. It doesn’t cause hyperactivity, jitteriness or any other unpleasant side-effects.

  • White Maeng Da Kratom

White Maeng Da strain helping people to perform hard monotonous activities and combat undue feelings of tiredness. The strain is best for mood lifting, energy boosting and nootropic effects.

The mild euphoria, optimism and mood enhancement delivered by the plant has helped a lot of people in improving the quality of their lives.

  • Yellow Maeng Da Kratom

Yellow Maeng Da, also known as Yellow Horn, has originated from the white strain. Like its predecessor, it offers stimulating, energy boosting and uplifting effects.

This strain is more stable and capable of delivering a wide array of other properties. It has more sedative, pain-relieving, and cognitive effects.

  • Mix Maeng Da Kratom

Mixed Maeng Da is a mixture of the three different strains of Kratom, Red, White, and Green. Being very highly potent, the strain provides all the properties of the plant at the same time.

It is perfect for people who are searching for a product that can deliver the full Kratom experience. Mixed Maeng Da Kratom is perfect for stimulating, sedative, analgesic, anxiolytic, euphoric and nootropic effects.

Maeng Da Kratom in Capsules

Maeng Da Kratom CapsulesMaeng Da capsules are easily available across the internet with almost all the leading Kratom vendors. The gelatin capsules have a measured quantity of high quality, finely powdered Kratom packed inside.

The capsules come in different sizes. The sizes ranges from size 000 (largest) to size 5 (which is the smallest). Kratom suppliers usually use size 00 as their standard, which is one size smaller than size 000.

These capsules can hold about 546 mg or 0.546 g of Maeng Da Kratom powder. They are easy to use and swallow. Maeng Da capsules are one of the most reliable means of Kratom administration.

Maeng Da Powder Vs. Maeng Da Capsules: Which one is better?

Many users still prefer the traditional toss and wash method for Kratom powder, others have gladly switched to capsules. Below are some of the reasons why capsules preferred over Kratom powder:

Being a dry substance, powder attracts a lot of moisture towards it. It may get moist and loose its potency.

Molds can grow on the powder, which upon intake, can cause serious health problems such as diarrhea and severe vomiting.

Maeng Da powder may be mistaken for a weed based substance (illegal drug). Due to which it is not safe to carry it to workplaces or schools.

It is also difficult to take Kratom powder in public or social gatherings. Whereas, once can easily slip capsules into the mouth without being noticed.

Since there is a high risk of spilling associated with the powdered form, it becomes difficult to carry the substance on long journeys.

Kratom powder may take more effort to measure. It requires electronic scales, which are not available 24/7.

Capsules, on the other hand, already have a measured amount of Kratom powder inside. Due to which one can easily consume it and at any time.

Kratom powder has a very bitter taste, and some people may find it unpleasant. There have been cases where users have reported severe nausea and vomiting on Kratom powder consumption.

Capsules, being tasteless are, therefore, considered a better option in this case.

Administration of powder requires assistance in the form of a liquid, such as water or any other drink, as it is otherwise next to impossible to orally ingest the powder alone.

In case of carelessness or neglect, there is a chance of overdosing with Kratom powder, but Capsules are safe in this regard.

Though capsules come with a lot of advantages, some drawbacks associated with it too. These include;

As one capsule can only hold around 500g of powder, someone has to use many capsules in case of larger doses.

The capsules are made from Gelatin. They require added time to be digested, therefore showing delayed effects.

Maeng Da Kratom Benefits

  • Some people have experienced and found Maeng Da to be a stronger Kratom as compared to the others while others have reported no change or difference.
  • Maeng Da effects in small dosage are stimulating in natures as it makes you feel more alert, vigilant and awake.
  • Maeng Da Kratom is one of the cerebral strains and is often compared to cognitive enhancers.
  • Many users have also stated in their reviews that after taking Maeng Da Kratom they were able to concentrate more and better while they processed more information in their brain with fewer efforts.
  • It helps the person in increasing productivity and experience less tiredness when working with exercises that stress you mentally like studying or working.
  • Maeng Da Kratom has also remarkable effects on the mood; it makes you feel anything from a general contentment to full-on euphoria.
  • Kratom customer reviews also state that this plant puts them in a positive mental state, elevates the enjoyment of their daily activities and enthusiasts a person.
  • Some people also like to take it as an anti-depressant to boost their mental drive.

Usage And Dosage Instructions

Maeng Da Kratom DosageBecause of the high concentration levels of active kratom alkaloids, one must take 20% less Maeng Da as compared to other Kratom to feel its effects.

For leaves like Premium Indo or Red Bali you must take 5 grams to feel the effectiveness but for Maeng Da, only 4 grams is enough for positive results.

The entry dosage should be as less as 2 grams. Taking more than 10 grams can start sedative effects and can make you feel relaxed, sleepy and also reduce any kind of pain.

Maeng Da Kratom can last in your system for as long as 8 hours. When you are trying to buy this kratom online look for sellers who sell them in fresh powder form to ensure you get maximum absorption through active alkaloids.

Effects of Maeng Da Associated With Different Doses?

Compared to other strains, Maeng Da has a relatively higher potency, and is, therefore, able to deliver the desired effects at lower doses.

  • People who are trying Maeng Da for the first time, advised to start with very low doses of about 1g. This is the threshold dose at which the person can feel subtle effects of the plant.
  • A dosage of Maeng Da around 3-5g (consider moderate), and recommended for regular users.

The effects of different dosages vary, with lower doses tending to be more stimulating than the higher doses.

A user on Reddit stated” Maeng Da will definitely be stimulating FIRST and then gradually becomes more sedating”.

Another user expressed” I take Ultra White Vein Maeng Da. I never usually use more than 2-4g in a sitting, and it just motivates the hell out of me. Great feeling all the time.”

A lot of users consuming Maeng Da Kratom believed that overdosing the strain led to unpleasant side-effects, due to which they stuck to the average dosage.

One user reported “Anything over 4g, and I’ll be nauseated for hours. I do enjoy my 4g dose though. A dosage of 7g or above is considered very high and can cause undesirably strong effects.”

Maeng Da Kratom Side Effects

The elevated potency of Maeng Da Kratom can increase the benefits. But, there are some users who experience the increase in Maeng Da side effects.

  • Several users have stated in their reviews that Maeng Da made them feel anxious, irritated or jittery like huge doses of caffeine.
  • Individual who want to treat anxiety or stress through Kratom they should use Red Vein strain like Thai, Bali or Borneo.
  • Another user also mentioned that if taking a large amount of Maeng Da the intense pleasure and euphoria can build dizziness and lack of mental clarity.
  • Other side effects you might feel are stomach discomfort, nausea, lethargy, sleeplessness and respiratory depression.
  • If you decide to use Maeng Da Kratom then start with a small dose of this strain. Learn about its effects and record any side effects that you experience.

Can Maeng Da Kratom Show Up On A Drug Test?

Kratom, being a relatively new substance in the field of pharmacology, is still very controversial. Many people reported that the plant shows a false positive for opiates on drug and urine tests. But there are currently no examinations designed to reveal Kratom specifically.

Maeng Da Kratom, like all Kratom strains, doesn’t show up on many standard screening tests. It is safe to consume a week before a drug test.

For added safety, flush out any traces of the substance from the system before appearing for a body investigation.



  1. I have A-Fib and congestive heart failure, and I take 160mg of Lasix, which will eventually cause kidney failure. This product helps eliminate fluids. I take 40 mg now. I haven’t told my doctors yet. I want to take it for a month to make sure it keeps working. I also have eight more chronic diseases, most with chronic pain, it has helped in that area also.

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